When should you review your Life Insurance planning?

You may want to replace the income of the life insured—either you or your spouse. Ask your advisor to do a capital needs analysis. It is easy to calculate the capital needed over any short or long period of time in any situation if the life insured were to die. Many professional calculators allow advisors to prepare accurate life insurance assessments.
It may be time to review your Life Insurance at these life junctures:
- After you have finished your career training and begin a new job, you will want to buy life insurance as you start the foundation of your goal-setting strategy to gain financial independence. Life Insurance proceeds can pay off any OSAP or car loans so that the family has no financial burden should you predecease them.
- If you have recently married or are engaged, your finances take on a new scope of responsibility for spouses jointly planning to protect one another’s financial security. Also, review your Life Insurance needs together to protect your income if one of you die or become disabled. This is a key foundation for developing a sound financial strategy when you are young and newly married.
- If either of you had a will, it might be revoked upon marriage unless it specifically states it was created in contemplation of marriage. When planning your Life Insurance together, consider how to set up your beneficiaries carefully. Often it is best to do so outside of a will.
- If you work at a trade, make sure that you have Disability Insurance. This insurance is also called Income Replacement Insurance because it provides a paycheque if you become disabled. Your children and spouse are dependent upon your income. What if you became disabled – will that source of income dry up or become minimal?
- When you have children, Life insurance is purchased to provide capital if one of the parents should die. A young mother would not be forced to work, reduce her lifestyle, or leave her children cared for by others.
- When children go to college, many of us tap into our savings to help meet their tuition and housing expenses. We may purchase a child’s first car or provide an income for one or more years. If you die without providing continuing support, your young adult child may need to quit seeking a higher education due to a shortage of funds.
- Suppose you have a change of executor, lawyer, accountant, or guardian. If one of these key people dies or becomes incapacitated, or is replaced regarding your estate plan, it is wise to review that aspect of your plan, which may include an entire rewriting of your will as you appoint new people.
- If you want to establish planned giving, Life Insurance works well. If you desire to leave money, for example, to a charity, church or religious organization, an art gallery, or a school, you will need to do some estate planning. Consider using advanced life insurance planning. Life insurance can assign a beneficiary, allowing the monies to go directly to the charity or foundation. Consider that your will may need to be changed if you use Life Insurance to circumvent your will.
- If you have grandchildren, you may want to ensure that they are provided for, perhaps through life insurance planning.
- If you have experienced a significant change in your level of wealth, replanning may be important. If you inherit money or inherit Life Insurance proceeds, you may want to talk to your advisor about implementing Life Insurance in your own estate planning. Also, look at Disability Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance to see if financial risks can be insured to protect or enhance your wealth. If your assets decline, consider altering your bequests and newly establish this in your will.
- If special care is needed for a loved one, make sure to plan. When a spouse, parent, or child has become disabled and needs future care, consider: Long-term Care costs are very high if you want a private room or special personal attention (such as defining when you want to take a nap or go to the washroom or bath, versus a strict schedule), for yourself, your parent, or another.
- If you personally anticipate requiring costly long-term health care, you may want to alter the specific bequests in your will to reflect this new reality.
- If you appoint a new or revoke a previous beneficiary, review your beneficiary designations with your Life Insurance representative and your beneficiaries.
- If you have sold or will sell a business, your Life Insurance will need a review. If your assets become more liquid upon the sale of a business, you may want to pass that benefit along to beneficiaries or charities; or enhance your retirement. If a partner has bought or is buying your business previously bequeathed in your will, you may need to adjust your estate planning while using advanced life insurance planning for business-related solutions.
- Replanning your Life Insurance may be necessary when you want to use or change a trustee or trust institution. You may, at some point, want to assign others to be in charge of investments within a testamentary trust directive.
- A change of legislation can affect your plan. Changed government legislation can affect your estate planning. The validity of your will may be affected by changes such as estate taxation or probate laws.
- Capital gains taxation on a major asset will eventually come due. When you own an asset that has appreciated, such as a cottage or business, or equity investment, make sure the tax payable will not harm the estate. Affordable Life Insurance solutions can pay off your estate liabilities after death.
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