Electronic Delivery and Approvals

Electronic Delivery (“Edelivery”)

You have the option to agree to edelivery of your account statements, annual reports, trade confirmations, tax receipts, and other documents related to your account. You are not required to consent to edelivery, and you may revoke your consent at any time by contacting your advisor or through our client portal. If you choose edelivery, you will no longer receive paper statements by mail, but you may request a paper copy by contacting your advisor. We believe that edelivery offers many benefits, including improved convenience for you and better security for your information, since you can access documents from anywhere at any time and you don’t have to worry about storing or destroying paper copies which may include confidential information.

We will notify you by email, from noreply@canfin.com, when a new document is available, so you will need to provide a valid email address and notify us if your email address changes. You will need to have internet access to log in to our secure, password-protected client portal to view your documents. Electronic documents will be in PDF format and you will have to use Adobe Acrobat or equivalent software to view them. Documents will be available for at least seven years after delivery.

Electronic Document Approval (“Esignature”)

Your advisor may offer you the option of using esignature technology to approve documents and authorize transactions, rather than asking you to sign a form physically. An esignature has the same legal effect and validity as a physical signature. CANFIN uses two esignature methods, depending on the circumstances:

  • Client Portal
  • Electronic Signature via DocuSign

Under either method, if you approve a trade, KYC update, or other document, it will be processed in the same manner as if you had signed the equivalent paper version of the document. We therefore strongly recommend that you protect your portal and/or DocuSign password in the same manner that you protect your banking and credit card PINs and passwords, and that you do not share them with anyone else.

Client Portal

After your advisor enters trades or a KYC update on our system, you will receive an email from noreply@canfin.com. You can then log in to our client portal to review the proposed trades or update. If you agree with the proposed trades or update, click the “Approve” button on screen to authorize the trade or update, and the system will save a PDF version of the trades or update in your client documents for future reference. If you do not agree with the proposed trade or update, you should click the “Reject” button and you can enter a comment to send to your advisor.


DocuSign is a third-party service that is used by most of the world’s largest financial services and technology companies for secure electronic document signature. DocuSign’s system will ask you to create a free account the first time you use it. After your advisor enters trades or a KYC update on our system, you will receive an email from noreply@canfin.com. You can then log in to our client portal to review the pending document. You will have the option to approve it by signing it electronically where indicated, or to reject the document. Once both you and your advisor approve the document, the system will post a copy of it in your client documents for future reference. If you reject a document, it will go back to your advisor with the note or question that you entered.